Absolutdata recently achieved a Vendor Neutral Certified Vendor status for NAVIK SalesAI and now feature in Vendor Neutral’s Certified 100 landscape of sales tools. Vendor Neutral provides guidance to sales technology buyers that helps buyers navigate the complicated landscape of sales technology solutions and help them find the right sales solutions for their needs. Vendor Neutral provides business with the most comprehensive and objective SalesTech guidance.

NAVIK SalesAI has been in the larger sales tech landscape for a couple years now along with over 500 other vendors. NAVIK Sales AI, launched in 2016, combines AI, Machine Learning models, business rules unique to the client, and rich data in a solution that helps every seller perform better. Like GPS on mobile phones, the underlying technology is complex, but the user experience is clean and intuitive. Each seller gets a custom Weekly Game Plan- refreshed based on new data- with prioritized contacts and intelligent predictions of which products or services individual contacts are likely to purchase. Recommendations include purchase drivers and rationale outlining the likely reasons motivating a contact to buy.

Vendor Neutral Certified Profile provide up to 400 data points covering the market, company, and product information including challenges met, KPIs delivered, and capabilities provided. To check out, NAVIK SalesAI profile, please visit this page.