Data Analysis Chatbot Speeds Results for Pharma Co

UK-based pharma company gets information to users at speed.

Data Analysis Chatbot

Like many companies, this UK-based pharma organization had already invested in data analytics. But something was missing. They had the data, the people, and the tools … but no way to get information to users at speed. They needed something that would enable business users to get instant answers to their queries without involving the data analysis team.

Instant Data, Always Available

By integrating a Natural Language Generation (NLG) powered chatbot with their existing infrastructure, we enabled our client to:

Instant Data
  • Provide instant answers to users’ natural language questions.

  • Empower business users to get their own information, when and as needed.

  • Scale up their BI investments.

This chatbot transformed how company data was consumed and utilized. And it was set up in just 15 weeks.

Too Many Inputs, Not Enough Insights

Our client’s situation will be familiar to businesses that have implemented data analysis but haven’t gotten all the benefits yet. They had multiple data sources, internal and external. They had Tableau and other data visualization tools. They had several dashboards for their business users. And they had a team of data analysts to help access specific insights.

But there was still a bottleneck. As their system grew, so did the number of requests pouring into the data analysis team’s inbox. What the company needed now was clear: an easy, automated way to answer basic analysis questions and guide users to the appropriate dashboard. It would have to be simple enough for non-technical users, yet powerful enough to provide real-time insights.

So that’s what they got.

cloud insights
Chat bot More Than Data Teller

A Chatbot That’s More Than A “Data Teller”

Chatbots that simply find and relay data are becoming commonplace. But our clients needed more than just a “data teller” – a chatbot that merely passes on raw data. Our AI-enhanced chatbot assistant, ASK NAVIK, the module of NAVIK Technology AI, uses Natural Language Processing to understand users’ spoken queries ( e.g. “How did brand A do in the Central Europe market last year?” ) It automatically finds and presents the information in a natural format (e.g. “Brand A sales grew 2% in the Central Europe market in 2019”).

Now, there’s no waiting for the data analysis team to answer routine queries; they can spend their time more effectively. Users get the needed results in seconds, not days. And different types of data – such as sales, activity, and shipment information – are available to users whenever and wherever they need it!

A Chatbot That’s More Than A “Data Teller”

Chatbots that simply find and relay data are becoming commonplace. But our clients needed more than just a “data teller” – a chatbot that merely passes on raw data. Our AI-enhanced chatbot assistant, ASK NAVIK, uses Natural Language Processing to understand users’ spoken queries ( e.g. “How did brand A do in the Central Europe market last year?” ) It automatically finds and presents the information in a natural format (e.g. “Brand A sales grew 2% in the Central Europe market in 2019”).

Now, there’s no waiting for the data analysis team to answer routine queries; they can spend their time more effectively. Users get the needed results in seconds, not days. And different types of data – such as sales, activity, and shipment information – are available to users whenever and wherever they need it!

Chat bot More Than Data Teller