We recently launched four new AI-powered solutions built on the NAVIK AI platform. This is a key next step for the NAVIK product team as we evolve the product from a module to a solution-based approach. In this article, I’ll share how – and why – NAVIK has evolved from a collection of specific modules serving specific use cases to today’s powerful and flexible AI business solution.


The NAVIK Origin Story

The Absolutdata team has two decades of experience leading a variety of Business Intelligence, data engineering, market research, and similar projects. Our data science team was a very early adopter of business AI applications, such as large language classification models and chatbots. As an extension of that work, the team also began experimenting with machine learning models.

Springing out of this data science experimentation was NAVIK, an AI-powered platform with modules that handled common (but highly specific) business needs:

  • ATOM used machine-learning models to help marketers improve their market mix planning.
  • Research AI automated processes associated with conjoint market research design and interpretation.
  • Forecast AI helped supply chain teams better match supply with demand.

The module-centric NAVIK offering has enjoyed great success. Today, we manage several business-critical NAVIK deployments at Fortune 500 firms; we also employ NAVIK for a variety of smaller strategic engagements.

Next-Gen NAVIK AI: 4 New Solutions

Now, NAVIK has entered its next-generation stage: powerful yet customizable solutions leveraging our market-ready modules and technical components. This has been a natural evolution for NAVIK. Reaching across data infrastructure, data engineering, and algorithmic layers, we can select and deploy building

blocks to enable rapid solution development and deployment. The following chart illustrates this concept:

Source: ©Absolutdata

Over the past six months, the NAVIK product team has been hard at work bringing this idea to life. We are now in the market with four core solutions:

  • NAVIK Sales AI provides sellers with automated, demand-side insights that improve sales efficiency and helps sellers uncover new monetization strategies.
  • NAVIK Marketing AI connects systems to simplify, strengthen, and automate campaign planning and execution.
  • NAVIK Technology AI includes a suite of services and technology components that enables tech teams to accelerate their own AI solution development and deployment.
  • NAVIK Operations AI aggregates data and delivers insights that improve operational planning and execution.

NAVIK’s legacy as an AI-powered, module-based platform has powered our pivot to persona-based solutions. In the weeks and months to come, I look forward to sharing more details with you as we continue to refine our approach and bring new AI-powered solutions to our clients!


Authored by: Marc Jacobson, Vice President, NAVIK Strategy and Product Management at Absolutdata
